I sure am glad you did. Scroll down a bit to see my Featured Projects. Scroll down a bit more for my Resume. Up top are my About Me with juicy nuggets of info about, well me and my Contact info, so let's disco. Ya got my Projects up there, oh, and I almost forgot, don't you dare forget to check out The Lab.
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Using an HTML5 template, I fully reworked the HTML and CSS files. For the JS files I added in the code for the fly-in header as well as the JSON feed pulling from bus stops in Metro Berlin, generic cosmetic item names, and Dungeon & Dragon character classifications. I then the setup parameters to a specified step for random pull sequences.
Link below opens separate tab with full case study.
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This is fully hand coded, with custom CSS and Javascript. The site is built around API feeds from a database of sound clips. The instructions outlined creating a jukebox, so naturally I made a television. There were some amazing clips from 80's tv shows, then I found an image of a random cowboy, hipster, business person watching tv with a miniature horse..., is there anything else ya need?
It's unpublished, clicking on it is only practice. You're gonna need a bigger boat with this app I developed using Xcode. It is a game themed after Jaws. The startGameTimer function initiates a countdown timer that triggers the spawning of barrels at regular intervals and tracks the remaining time for gameplay. The floatingBarrel function animates the movement of barrels from the top to the bottom of the screen. When a barrel is tapped, it triggers an increase in the player's score and removes the barrel from the screen. Finally, the showAlert variable manages the presentation of an alert dialog, allowing the player to restart the game.
I hope you have an amazing day!
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